The big flywheels along with bigger motors and running it at 12-18v got ranges of around 100ft with some going way farther and some going way shorter. I stripped 2 gears for the full auto mech before I realized I need to just run it with a 9v and power the flys separately.
This could fire both streamlines or fathead darts.
While this thing was tons of fun running it at that high voltage with home made flywheels caused the motor housing to shake loose from the shell no matter what I tried to do. The flywheels were just very very slightly off center so they would cause a good amount of vibration and with that much mass and that much power it was always just a matter of time before what ever I used to attach the flys would give out.
The vibration also cause a ton of noise. This thing sounded like a vacuum cleaner fighting with a chainsaw. It was fun while it lasted but I feel like between this and The Darthramballs I've done all I care to do with the tommy 20.
mother of god * pulls down sunglasses *