Monday, August 20, 2012

Custom Shells Using Pepakura

One thing that I have been working on for a while that I haven't seen anywhere else in nerfdom is totally home made custome shells.
Using a free program called pepakura I've printed out a and folded up a few candidates such as the covenant needler from Halo pictured to the right.
These are made using card stock then the they are to be covered in fiberglass resin and body filler where needed to get rounded instead of angular polygon edges.
The cool thing is that because of the way this program works you can pull actual models from video games and print them out and fold them into faithful replicas.  More to come on this as I figure it all out.
1 Download Pepakura:  The free version of the program lets you do everything but DL here
2 Find and download a model you like and re-size it if needed
3 Use 110 weight card stock anything else is going to be too flimsy
4 Print cut out the shapes and glue. You can use anything strong for glue but i prefer hot glue
5 Use fiberglass resin to coat the paper model, several coats will be needed.

More to come on this.  I was on this step when my girlfriend stepped on and crushed the model I was working on to make a rayven into a halo assault rifle. So its back to the beginning for me.

Link to the software if anyone wants to join me on this little endeavor: Pepeakura!


  1. These look Great!
    Also, i can comment!

  2. whats the link to that needler?


  4. Darth Rambo. where's the Needler Link???.
    im so sorry about that your girlfriend stepped on and crushed the model of your amazing needler gun,But i dont think she removed the Needler Link from your post too?? ¿Dont you?

    Please respond. That Needler Gun looks pretty well.

    Greetings from a Halo Fan. XD

  5. P.S Im not the Anonymus who wrote this: ""WHERE'S THE NEEDLER DOWNLOAD LINK???? IS THIS A #"$$#&%%$ JOKE??""

    Im another user. XD
    Greetings from a "Halo Fan". XD

  6. I would really like to make a needler pepakura like the one in that picture. does anyone know where I can find one? thanks.
